Dr. Amol Saxena, DPM
Palo Alto Foundation
Medical Group
Dept. of Sports Medicine
3rd Floor, Clark Building
795 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Office: 650-853-2943
Fax: 650-853-6094
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Articles |
The Real Power of Super Shoes Could Be Supercharged Training
'Reinvigorated' by Racing Break, Galen Rupp Is Ready for His Next Challenge
Amol Saxena Featured in TIME Magazine Article:
You Asked: What’s the Best Way to Treat Plantar Fasciitis?
Amol Saxena Scientific Articles Published as of 2023
- Surgical Management of Chronic Achilles Tendon Rupture: Evidence-based Guidelines (Int J of Ortho Surg & Research)
- Outcomes using focused shockwave for bone stress injuries in runners. J Bioengineering 2023
- Bone Stress Injuries using carbon fiber plate footwear (Sports Medicine 2023)
- Tarsal coalition resections: a long‑term retrospective analysis of 97 resections in 78 patients. (J Ortho Surg and Res 2022)
- Insertional Achilles Tendon Repair with Bioabsorbable Anchors and Suture (Musc Lig Tend J 2022)
- The double postero-medial portals endoscopy for posterior ankle impingement syndrome in athletes. J Ortho Trauma 2022 (Maffulli et al)
- Stimulation of human bone marrow by mesenchymal stem cells by electromagnetic transduction therapy. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 2022 (Gerdesmeyer et al)
- Lisfranc’s injuries in athletes (Musc Lig Tend J 2021)
- Consensus for rehabilitation of Achilles Tendon ruptures: the GAIT study group (JFAS 2021)
- Acute and Chronic Lisfranc’s fusions 188 cases (JFAS 2021)
- Stress Fractures in Sport: Foot (Maffulli, Robertson, eds)(Springer 2021)
- Sesamoidectomy in athletes: report from two centers (JFAS 2021)
- Non-pharmaceutical treatments of fractures (Chapter in Bone Stress Injuries: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention (Fredericson & Tenforde, eds)(Springer 2021)
- Analysis of Talar 204 OCDs (JFAS 2021)
- Outcomes of 166 Achilles insertional repairs (2021 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- 1st Met OCDs in Hallux Rigidus patients (2021 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Analysis of 188 Achilles Tendon ruptures (2021 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Talar Fractures (Chapter for McGlamry textbook)
- Outcomes of talar osteochondral and transchondral lesions using an evidence-based algorithmic approach based on size, location and subchondral plate integrity: a 10-year study on 204 lesions-Abstract (2020 Ortho J Sports Med)
- Navicular Stress Fractures: a primer(2020 Asian J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Combined ESWT and RSW for Achilles Tendinopathy (2019 Musc Lig Tend)
- Valenti Procedure on 100 running & jumping athletes (2019 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Bunion Surgery in athletes: systematic review (2019 J Foot Ankle Surg, M Fournier Lead author)
- An Unusual Case of a Fibular Sesamoid Phalangeal Ligament Tear Due to Chronic Trauma.(JAPMA 2019 P.Kim lead author)
- Extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the management of insertional Achilles tendinopathy (2018 Musc Lig Tend J)
- Extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the management of mid-substance Achilles tendinopathy (2018 Musc Lig Tend J)
- Extracorporeal shockwave therapy in the management of insertional plantar fasciitis: the assert database (2018 Musc Lig Tend J)
- Achilles insertional tendinopathy-state of the art (2018 ISAKOS)
- Achilles triple rupture in an athletic patient (2018 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- A novel method of lateral Lisfranc’s stabilization and report on 5 cases (2018 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Editorial: Should sports injuries and surgeries be policed? (2017 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Peritenolysis and Debridement for main-body(mid-portion) Achilles tendinopathy in athletic patients: results of 107 procedures (2017 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Treatment of plantar fasciitis with radial soundwave “early” is better than after 6 months: a pilot study (2017 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Navicular stress fracture outcomes in athletes: analysis of 62 injuries (2017 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Electromagnetic transduction therapy for Achilles tendinopathy; a preliminary report on a new technology (2017 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Percutaneous ultrasonic tenotomy for Achilles tendinopathy is a surgical procedure with similar complications (2017 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Treatment of medial tibial stress syndrome with radial soundwave therapy in elite athletes: current evidence, report on two cases and proposed treatment regimen (2017 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Autogenous Calcaneal Dowel Grafting Proximal Fourth and Fifth Metatarsal Base Fractures: Technique and Case Series (2017 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Percutaneous plating for fibular fractures (2017 J Foot Ankle Surg)
- Randomized Placebo Controlled Placebo Trial to Determine the Placebo Effect Size (w Gerdesmeyer et al Pain Physician 2017)
- Medial Displacement Calcaneal osteotomies: Screws vs Plates 2016 J Foot Ankle Surg
- Radial Soundwave for Sesamoiditis 2016 J Foot Ankle Surg
- Synovial Chondromatosis of the ankle: two patients with 22 and more than 120 loose bodies 2016 J Foot Ankle Surg
- Naviculo-cuneiform coalition: case reports of two sibling soccer players 2016 J Foot Ankle Surg
- Chapter: Shoes for Cross-training: in Athletic Footwear M Werd (Ed) Springer 2017
- Subtalar Arthroeresis: Prospective study on 100 adult patients 2016 J Foot Ankle Surg
- Current evidence of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in chronic Achilles tendinopathy 2015 Int J Surg
- Clinical relative effectiveness of focused ESWT in the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis 2015 J Bone Joint Surg
- Rate of Surgical Site Infection Following the Implementation of an Antibiotic Prophylaxis Protocol. J. American Society of Podiatric Surgeons 2014
- Endoscopic Gastrocnemius Recession in Arthroskopie Fuss- und Sprunggelenk (German)
- Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy in Arthroskopie Fuss- und Sprunggelenk (German)
- Medial locking plate versus two screw fixation for fixation of the Ludloff Osteotomy, J Foot Ankle Surg, 2013
- Comparison between Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Placebo ESWT and Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy for the Treatment of Chronic Plantar Heel Pain in the Athlete. J Musc Lig Tend, 2013
- A unique procedure for treatment of Osteochondral lesions of the Tarsal Navicular: three cases in athletes. J Foot Ankle Surg, 2013
- Vibration and Pressure Wave Therapy for Calf Strains: a Proposed Treatment. J Musc Lig Tend 2013
- Commentary in Foot & Ankle Quarterly on “Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy with Platelet-Rich Plasma”, 2013
- Commentary in Foot & Ankle Quarterly on “Surgical Interventions for treating acute Achilles tendon rupture: key findings from a recent Cochrane Review”, 2013
- Plantar Fascia injuries in athletes (Ch 32) in Foot & Ankle in Sport, (Altchek et al, eds, Lippincott) Nov. 2012
- Endoscopic Gastrocnemius Recession J Arthroskopie (German) Nov 2011
- Use of a novel treadmill for rehabilitation of the Achilles tendon: a pilot study (Poster @ 2010 ACFAS Ann’l Meeting)J Foot Ankle Surg 50(5) 2011
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging and incidental findings of lateral ankle pathological features with asymptomatic ankles (presented @ 2010 ACFAS Ann’l meeting) J Foot Ankle Surg 50(4) 2011
- Extra-corporeal Pulsed-activated Therapy(“EPAT” Soundwave) for Achilles tendinopathy: a prospective study J Foot Ankle Surg 50(3) 2011
- Post-operative physical therapy in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Endoscopic Gastrocnemius recession in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Anterior Ankle & Subtalar Arthroscopy in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Acute Achilles & other tendon ruptures in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Os Trigonum Syndrome in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Ankle OCDS in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Plantar Fasciitis in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Lisfranc’s sprains in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Stress Fractures: Jones, Navicular and Medial Malleolar in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Turf Toe in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Peroneal Tendonopathy in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Insertional & mid-substance Achilles Tendonopathy in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Lapidus Procedure in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Revision First Ray Surgery in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Hallux Rigidus: Distal First Metatarsal Osteotomy/Hohmann procedure in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Hallux Rigidus: Valenti Arthroplasty in International Advances in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Springer 2011
- Extra-corporeal pulsed activated (“EPAT”) sound-wave for Achilles tendinopathy: a prospective study ( J Foot Ankle Surg 50(2): 2011, Poster 2011 ACFAS Ann’l meeting)
- Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy in Minimally Invasive Foot & Ankle Surgery, Maffulli & Easley, eds. Springer 2011
- Endoscopic Gastrocnemius Recession in Minimally Invasive Foot & Ankle Surgery, Maffulli & Easley, eds. Springer 2011
- Rehabilitation of the operated Achilles tendon: parameters for success. J Foot Ankle Surg 50(1):37-40, 2011
- ACSM Sports Medicine Review: test questions for Lower Extremity Stress Fractures, Ankle sprains, Running shoes & orthoses, Brian Davis, MD (ed) 2011
- Navicular Stress Fractures: Letter to the Editor, Am J Sports Med 2010
- Peroneal Retinaculum Repair: surgical results in 31 athletes J Foot Ankle Surg 2010
- Endoscopic Gastrocnemius Recession (w Chris DiGiovanni, MD), in “Minimally Invasive Surgery in Orthopaedics”, (Springer, Scuderi & Tria, Editors), 2009
- Subtalar arthroereisis (Mark Easley, MD ed), Techniques in MIS Orthopedic Surgery 2009
- Lapidus Bunionectomy: early evaluation of crossed lag screws versus locking plate with plantar lag screw. J Foot Ankle Surg 2009
- Removal of an unusual pedal ossicle in an elite athlete: case study. J Foot Ankle Surg 2009
- Cuboido-navicular coalitions J Foot Ankle Surg 2009
- Wound Complications with Achilles tendon surgery: report on 219 cases. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2008
- Endoscopic Gastrocnemius Recession Zeitschrift fuer Orthopaede (German) 2007
- The Achilles Tendon, Ankle Equinus and the Athlete (w Chris DiGiovanni, MD), in “The Achilles Tendon” (N. Maffulli, MD & L Almekinders, MD Editors) Springer-Verlag 2007
- Articular injuries to the talus in athletes: results of treatment with microfracture and autogenous bone graft. Am J Sports Med 2007
- Radiographic findings of bioabsorbable subtalar arthroereisis implants. J Foot Ankle Surg May-June 2007
- Navicular Stress Fractures in Athletes: a prospective study. Foot Ankle Int’l Nov. 2006
- Implantable Bone Stimulation: Fusion Rates in 26 Cases. J Foot Ankle Surg, Nov/Dec 2005
- Bioabsorbable Screws for Lisfranc’s Diastasis J Foot Ankle Surg, Nov/Dec 2005
- Guest Editor, Indian Journal of Foot Surgery, Peroneal Tendon Pathology, 2005
- Endoscopic Gastrocnemius Recession: Preliminary Report on 18 Cases. J Foot Ankle Surg, Sept/Oct 2004
- Uni-portal Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy in Athletes: a prospective study. Foot Ankle Int, Dec. 2004
- Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis: 10 Cases in the Ankle. Foot Ankle Int’l Nov. 2004
- Plantar Fascia Ruptures in Athletes. Am J Sports Med May-June 2004
- Results of Achilles Tendon Surgery in Elite and Sub-elite Track Athletes. Foot & Ankle Int’l Sept. 2003
- Surgical Results of Sesamoidectomy in the Athletic and Active Patients. Foot & Ankle Int’l May 2003
- Peroneal Tendon Tears: 49 Cases in 41 Patients. J Foot Ankle Surg July/Aug 2003
- “Retrospective review of 91 surgeries for chronic Achilles pathology”. J Am Pod Med Assoc July/Aug 2003
- “Peroneal Tendon Abnormalities: a review of 40 cases”. JAPMA July/Aug 2003
- Tarsal Coalitions: Activity levels with and without surgery. JAPMA July/Aug 2003
- Quinolones and Achilles Tendon Rupture. JAPMA July/Aug 2003
- Ankle Dorsiflexion in Adolescent Athletes. JAPMA July/Aug 2003
- Guest Editorial, J Am Pod Med Assoc, July/Aug 2003 Sports Medicine Issue
- “Endoscopic Gastrocnemius Tenotomy” Jan/Feb, 2002, J Foot Ankle Surg
- “Achilles Tendinopathy” Kader, Saxena, Moven & Maffulli, July 2002, Br. J Sport Med
- “Hypophosphatemic Rickets presenting as recurrent stress fractures in a middle-aged woman” Linde, Saxena & Feldman, March/April, 2001, J Foot Ankle Surg
- "The Watershed Band of the Achilles Tendon: Cadaveric and MRI findings” Saxena & Bareither, May/June 2001 J Foot Ankle Surg
- “Proximal Fourth Metatarsal Stress Fractures: Jones fracture of the fourth metatarsal” Saxena, Krisdakumtorn, & Erickson July 2001, Foot & Ankle Int’l
- "Pushing the Envelope: How soon you can and cannot return an athlete to sports" Fall 2001,Clinics in Pod. Med. & Surg
- "Bone Stimulation on Stress Fractures: A Case-Control Study with a Comparison to the Literature" Foot & Ankle Quarterly (13)2, Summer 2000
- Guest Editor, Foot & Ankle Quarterly, “Sports Medicine” Summer 2000 (Editorial)
- “Return to Athletic Activity after Foot & Ankle Surgery: A Preliminary Report on Select Procedures” March/April 2000, J. Foot Ankle Surg
- “Results of Treatment of 22 Navicular Stress Fractures and a New Proposed Radiographic Classification System,” March/April 2000, J. Foot Ankle Surg
- “The Incidence of the Plantaris Tendon - Magnetic Resonance, Surgical and Cadaver Findings,” Foot and Ankle Int’l July, 2000
- Expert Analysis: Foot & Ankle Quarterly: Posterior Tibial Dysfunction (Talo-navicular Fusion), 2000
- Guest Editor: Foot and Ankle Quarterly: New Surgical Techniques, Winter Issue 1999 (Audio Lecture: Surgery for Chronic Achilles Problems)
- "Keeping Healthy"; Chapter 26, in Breakthrough Running, Human Kinetics Publishing, 2000
- "Tips, Quips and Pearls: The Evans Calcaneal Osteotomy," J. Foot Ankle Surg, (2) 2000
- “Lis Franc’s Injuries: A Round Table” Biomechanics April1999
- “The Effect of Foot Orthoses on Patellofemoral Syndrome,” June, 1998, The Lower Extremity
- “An Interactive Symposium on Procedures to Reduce the First Intermetatarsal Angle,” June 1998, The Lower Extremity
- “Tips, Quips, and Pearls: Soft Tissue Anchors,” March/April 1998, Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery
- “An Algorithmic Approach to Lisfranc’s Joint,” December, 1997, The Lower Extremity
- "Longitudinal Peroneal Tendon Tears," May/June 1997, Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery
- "The Ludloff Osteotomy: A Critical Analysis," March/April 1997, Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery
- "Sports Medicine Grand Rounds," Nov/Dec 1996. Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery
- "Retrocalcaneal Pain: An Algorithmic Approach," March 1996, The Lower Extremity
- “The Long Term Results of Dorsal Approaches to Sesmoidectomies,” Sept 1995, The Lower Extremity
- “The Valenti Procedure for Hallux Limitus/Rigidus,” Sept/Oct 1995 J. Foot and Ankle Surgery
- "Lateral Ankle Reconstruction: A Comparison of Soft tissue Metal Anchors versus Split-Peroneus Brevis Tenodesis," March 1995, The Lower Extremity
- "Surgical Treatment of Chronic Achilles Tendinitis," May/June 1995, Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery
- "Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of the Ankle," March/April 1995, The Lower Extremity
- "Metabolic Etiologies for Pedal Stress Fractures," Mar/Apr 1995, The Lower Extremity
- "An Unusual Case of Achilles Paratendinosis," Jan/Feb 1994, Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery
- "Unusual Foot Pathologies Mimicking Common Sport Injuries," Mar/Apr 1993, Journal of Foot Surgery
- "Postoperative Physical Therapy for Podiatric Surgery," Aug 1992, American Journal of Podiatric Medicine
- "Effects of Stretching the Gastrocnemius Muscle," May/June 1991, Journal of Foot Surgery
- "Anatomic Dissection of Posterior Tibialis Muscle and Correlation to Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome," Mar/Apr 1990, Journal of Foot Surgery
- "A New Radiographic Angle to Assess Intra-articular Calcaneal Fractures," May/June 1989, Journal of Foot Surgery
- "Footwear and Ankle Stability in the Basketball Player," Apr 1988, Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
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